This site is host of a series of my own poems published as the Poem of the Month. The site also includes on-line versions of other publications from the FAB&PP in various digital formats, including a few digital reprints of older broadsheets and pamphlets, most of which first appeared in the American Amateur Press Association's monthly "bundle" of member publications.
From time to time I have attempted some new text-oriented material especially designed for electronic dissemination. Multimedia offers a dated but still applicable brief polemic, with links to another essay a little less out-of-date.
All of the material published on these pages is protected by copyright. You have the right to load and view files, and print them for your own use only. Commercial use, modification and/or re-distribution of the material is prohibited.
This site, like the FAB&PP itself, is a wholly private endeavor. At
the moment, my resources are too limited and the legal risks and ambiguities
too great for me to include any works other than my own. For further
information on the site, however, or to make comments, please do contact me.
contact rgminutillo at
May 2022 Special (a blast from the
May 2022 Special #2 (an obituary of
Alas, after doing a lot of Flash conversion a few years ago, I'll have to convert again as Flash support disappears. It will take some time, I fear. Meanwhile....
Archive of audio/video materials (uses Flash video)